Floating knee: A new prognostic classification
Accuracy of clinical examination and magnetic resonance in assessment of chondral lesion of knee joint by arthroscopy
Platet rich plasma or hyperbaric oxygen therapy as callus accellerator in aseptic tibial non union
Effectiveness of teriparatide combined with the Ilizarov technique in septic tibial non-union
A new plate design to treat displaced 3-4 parts proximal humeral
Challenges in the management of floating knee injuries: Results of treatment and outcomes of 224 consecutive cases in 10 years
Comparison of biomechanical stability of osteosynthesis
Does routine carpal tunnel release during fixation of distal radius
Selection Methods in the Treatment of Diaphyseal Tibial
The challenge of nonunion and malunion in distal femur surgical
Transient osteomyelitis of the distal radius in a three year old
Comparison of biomechanical stability of osteosynthesis materials in long bone fractures
Does routine carpal tunnel release during fixation of distal radius
Emergent hybrid external fixation for tibial pilon fractures in adults
Examination of Risk Factors for the Development of Surgical Site Infections
Examination of Stability of Osteo-Syntetic Matherial By Software Bone Stimulator
From the Down to Modern Era The History of the Nailing.
Tantalum in type IV and V Papros
Biomechanical Stability of Juvidur and Bone Models on Osteosyntesic Materials
Treatment of Bone Defects in War Wounds Retrospective Study
Examination of stability of osteo syntetic matherial by software bone stimulator
Dilemmas in the choice of treatment of tibiofibular syndesmosis in malleolar fractures
Influence of Obesity on the progression of knee and hip arthrosis
Intramedullary nailin the treatment of pertrochanteric fractures in elderly patients
Controversies in Treatment of Acetabular Fracture
Treating and management in acute Laugier’s fracture a case report
THE orthopedic damage control in pelvic ring fractures
Southwick Osteotomy Stabilised with External Fixator
Selection methods in thetreatment of diaphyseal tibial
Importance of external fixation in primary treatment of war wounds
Izvještaj komisije za izbor u zvanje redovnog profesora
Dilemmas in the treatment of tibial diaphyseal fractures
Different types hip endoprostheses after osteoporotic femoral neck
Implanting hip endoprosthesis and obesity
validity of magnetic resonance imaging in knee
Obesity as risk factor when impanting hip endoprosthesis
Importance of external fixation in primary treatment of war wounds to the extremities
Liječenje hroničnog ratnog osteomijelitisa tibje primjenom različitih metoda
Treatment of achilles tendon rupture using different methods
Method of choice in the treatment of femoral neck fractures in subjects aged over 65
Selection of treathment method for pelvic ring fractures p. 279
Izbor metode liječenja preloma vrata butne kosti osoba starijih od 65 godina
Results of application of external fixation with different types of fixators
The Experince with Anterior Minimally Invasive Hip Surgery p. 246
Risk Factors for Development of Hip Disorder Among Newborn Babies in Tesanj Region p. 332
The importance of the first ultrasonic exam of newborn hips p. 264
Comparison of stability of different types of external fixation
Treatment of acetabular fractures – our experiences – str. 202
An application of autogenous cancellous bone grafting in bone deffects to the war wound
Experiences in treating LAUGIER’S fectures
Comparison of Stability of Different Types of External Fixation
OSGOOD SCHLATTER’S disease in young basketball players
Our experiences with anterior minimally invasive surgery (AMIS) in total arthoplastic of hip
Pouzdanost i validnost kliničkog i ultrazvučnog pregleda razvojnog poremećaja kuka
Primarni hiperparatireoidizam – prikaz slučaja bolesnice sa uznapredovalom bolešću
Primary HYPERPARATHYROIDISM – case report of a female patient with advanced disease
Socio-medical Aspects of Femoral Neck Fractures
Value of the First Examination for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip – Our Experiences